In order to build a mutual trust with our customers, we have created a system of rigorous internal and external control mechanisms that apply to different stages of the raw material delivery to the final product arrival in the stores.
We believe that we ought to be responsible to our customers. Quality and food safety are always our concern. See how we can keep our products of constant quality.

Quality control of raw materials
For the products we make with so much love and attention, and you also love so much, we always choose very carefully the raw materials we put into production. The organization has defined the order and responsibilities in making the purchase process in such a way as to ensure the quality of the products and services delivered. Managing this process is a prerequisite for meeting the high requirements of our customers.
Many people in our team contribute to the control of our raw materials and everyone guarantees a specific and substantial contribution. We perform numerous analyses at the moment of entering our factories and many others we require from all of our suppliers. Each day our experts check the taste, aroma and consistency of the ingredients and evaluate them in detail to ensure their absolute safety.
We pay particular attention to the processes of selection and control of raw materials. Our specialists are responsible for finding the best combination of taste, nutritional value, product quality and safety. Each of our suppliers passes a number of audits and tests of the proposed raw material before its delivery and its integration into production processes. Our choice is always driven by the quality of raw materials.
Regular and rigorous monitoring of our suppliers allows us to meet the excellent quality and safety standards in the production process of the raw materials delivered, and to strictly control the content of GMOs.
Purchased raw materials for the production of confectionery products and materials for contact with food products are subject to control in accordance with the requirements of the Integrated Quality Management System. All used raw materials comply with current national and European legislation as well as with the highest standards of quality, nutrition and safety for humans and the environment. Continuous control and continuous research into raw materials assures us that we will produce a quality and safe food product. Where deviations or inconsistencies of raw materials, ingredients and contact materials are detected, actions are taken to prevent entry into the storage of raw materials, commodities and packaging. The storage conditions of these products are in accordance with good manufacturing and hygiene practices and their respective instructions.
Monitoring and control of the water activity in the input control of raw materials

Water activity (aW) is one of the most important qualities of food that regulate microbial growth. It can be defined as the “free” or “available” water in a food product. The need of moisture for the development of microorganisms is determined by the knowledge of aW. Therefore, aW shows what is the lower limit for microbial growth in a given food product.
Foods are considered to be safe when their water activity is less than or equal to 0,85aW. This value is below the lower limit of Staphylococcus aureus. Most dangerous pathogenic microorganisms stop their development at values of water activity below 0.91aW. Water activity equal to 0.61aW is the practical bottom line for the development of all known microorganisms on Earth. Foods containing proteins and carbohydrates, for example, are prone to darkening due to enzymatic interactions called Maillard reactions. The rate of Maillard reaction in a product depends on the activity of the water and is highest in the range of 0.6 to 0.7aW. The Food and Drug Administration introduced the concept of “Potentially Dangerous Foods”. These are foods with a water activity higher than 0.85aW. Similarly, EU Regulation (EC) No 2073/2005 defines prepared food products with a water activity of aW ≤ 0.92 as foods that are incapable of sustaining the growth of L. monocytogenes
Quality control in the manufacturing of confectionery products
The management of the production process is carried out in accordance with the recipe, the technological documentation, the HACCP plans and the selection of qualified personnel for the implementation of the production cycle. By implementing the Food Safety Management System, we comply with the requirements of BDS EN ISO 22000: 2006 and IFS Food, BRC Food, the applicable legal and regulatory provisions that the organization has adopted to apply to the entire assortment produced.
Control during manufacture is done at the following levels:
- Each person is responsible for the quality of the operations they perform;
- During the production process, the responsible people supervise the observance of technological discipline, good manufacturing and hygienic practices;
- Operational technologists control the quality and safety of products at all stages of the production cycle through a monitoring system;
- A team of specialists controls the execution of planned and produced finished products.
- Constant monitoring of the quality and safety of products is documented during production.
What do we do to provide our customers with safe products?
Food hygiene is the most important factor in producing safe food. We will make a virtual walk through our production base to show you a small part of the measures we apply to meet the high hygiene standards of production we have set.

The high level of hygiene that we maintain starts with the selection of staff. Admission to work is obligatory by presenting a valid health booklet. People without a health booklet, without the conclusion of RIPCPH, or with expired medical examination, shall not be admitted to work. Workers in the company are required to undergo regular health checks.
We monitor the quality and safety of our products right from the very entrance of the manufacturing premises. Access is electronic and banned for outsiders. At every entrance of our production premises there are disinfecting devices to avoid external contamination. Every worker enters the production area after washing their hands and going through a disinfection system.
Entry into the production premises is obligatory with strictly defined work clothes. That includes
- A net that tightly covers the hair, ensuring that hair is in place;
- An apron and work trousers, with the apron buttons necessarily metallic. This is in order if a button breaks and falls into the product accidentally, it is detected by metal detectors and not allowing it to reach the end customer.
- A front apron and rubber gloves, obligatory in blue color.
Monitoring of Critical Control Points in Production
The implementation of the FSMS requires the introduction of a monitoring system for each CCP to prove that the critical control point is under control. Clause 7.6.4 “Critical Control Points Monitoring System” of ISO 22 000.
Temperature monitoring of Critical Control Points is performed by contactless infrared temperature loggers.
Each IR thermometer is equipped with a printer so that the operator can immediately print the required data required by the HACCP system. This temperature logger with a built-in printer allows the operator to program accurately defined measurement intervals. After the series of measurements have been made, this data is transferred to a computer for further analysis. A visual pointer allows precise alignment of the measurement beam to the object.
In the production of a single, even seemingly elemental biscuit or plain wafer, there is a large set of machines. We use mixers, milling and molding dough machines, baking tunnels, sinking plants, packing machines, and more. And these machines are made of metal parts. We regularly test security and prevention of these machines. However, metal detectors are installed at the end of each production line. These devices detect the possible presence of metal particles of finished, already packaged products. So, we are sure that our customers will receive healthy products.
When making crackers, with rollers or injection, there is always little deviation in the weight. To ensure that our customers receive the exact weight declared on the packaging, at the end of each production line, checkweighers are installed to account for the weight of each package. Packages that do not meet the stated weight are not placed on the market.
Ready production
Quality and food safety are our constant concern. We are responsible to our consumers. We perform strict quality control of the finished products and only after we are convinced that they meet the quality standards can leave the production base in impeccable condition.
We at “ZIV” Ltd. make continuous efforts to keep the quality of products all the way up to the end-customer. We have complete control over the quality of our products while they are in our warehouses. We rely on and trust our partners that even after leaving our production facilities, products will be stored properly and responsibly. The cooperation and accurate assessment of the distributors selling and storing the products are of great importance in the quality control system so that our consumers can get quality products of constant quality and unchanged taste.
Identification and traceability
We at “ZIV” Ltd. make continuous efforts to keep the quality of products all the way up to the end-customer. We have complete control over the quality of our products while they are in our warehouses. We rely on and trust our partners that even after leaving our production facilities, products will be stored properly and responsibly. The cooperation and accurate assessment of the distributors selling and storing the products are of great importance in the quality control system so that our consumers can get quality products of constant quality and unchanged taste.