Category Archives: Uncategorized

  1. Beliva spreads

    We have Created the Beliva Spreads with the idea to produce a cream that you wouldn’t be able to resist. We began production with three creams and gradually increased the number of flavours to today offer seven different 350 g savory spreads to relish in. The Beliva spreads we made from hazelnuts, milk, cocoa, coconut,…

  2. Създадохме кремовете BELIVA с идеята да произведем толкова вкусен крем, на който да не можете да устоите.Започнахме с производството на три крема като постепенно разширихме идеите си и днес Ви предлагаме разнообразие от вкусове на различни кремообразни изкушения в бурканчета от 350 g. Кремовете Beliva създадохме от ядки, мляко, какао, кокос, слънчогледов тахан и др….


    ZODIAC SIGNS AND CHOCOLATE When it comes to chocolate and chocolates, most of us love all kinds. We have all heard that consuming chocolate affects our mood, makes us happy and creates a feeling of well-being in us. The choice of chocolate is also influenced by the zodiac sign under which you were born –…

  4. Healthy start of the day for fulfilled life

    Healthy start of the day for fulfilled life In today’s fast-paced life, we live at high speeds and do not have time to eat healthy enough. That is why we all wonder whether the healthy lifestyle is myth or reality. Food, in itself, is not only fuel for our body, but also a source of…


    How about that! Eating habits have become very important for the modern people. What you eat transfers to all the aspects of your life. For this reason we created our line NEXT LEVEL IN NUTRITION. With four types of nutritional we give you the opportunity to charge your day with what you need the most….


    How about that! Eating habits have become very important for the modern people. What you eat transfers to all the aspects of your life. For this reason we created our line NEXT LEVEL OF NUTRITION. With four types of nutritional we give you the opportunity to charge your day with what you need the most….

  7. Grissini

    Grab Some Grissini Breadsticks (grissini, dipping sticks) are delicious bakery products that are roughly the size of a pencil. Grissini are present in the culinary culture of many people from America, Europe (mainly in Spain, France, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece), parts of Asia, and already at the table of the Bulgarians. From a recently unknown…

  8. Chocolate

    THE EVOLUTION OF CHOCOLATE  THEOBROMA CACAOTheo means gods, and broma – food Originally, cocoa was consumed as a drink, and at a much later stage, adopted the modern form of chocolate. Europeans have improved the drink by adding sugar cane, honey, vanilla and other sweeteners and flavors to it. It was not until the 19th century that the…

  9. Marshmallow

    Sweet fun with marshmallow Children’s favorite marshmallow sweets (and not just theirs we think) have a very interesting, millennial history. The name of these “marshmallow” candies comes from the plant Marshmallow, which can be seen in parts of Europe, North Africa and Asia and grows in swamps and other wetlands.   It’s not known exactly when…

  10. Sample Post 2

    Testing Heading Hello, this is test post.